Saturday, April 1, 2017

I am the real beast.

Yes, I've posted a post just now. But I didn't get enough of yesterday's incidents yet. A miserable day but yet, ended with a beautiful story line I promise.

It was Friday, yesterday. So, my friends and I booked movie tickets for Beauty and the Beast! We wanted to be the early birds to watch it. Unfortunately, on the same day, at the wrong timing, my car engine could not start. I was really panicked, of course. I'm in Seremban and my parents are not here. I never had this experience of calling people to repair the car engine or something before. But we went to watch the movie first. We didn't miss out few scenes, even the first 5 seconds of the movie. After the movie ended, only then I figured out some ways. You know, they say it's time to get help from your boyfriend. This is the time they get very useful even if they tend to be very annoying on a daily basis. So, E figured out a way and a battery guy came to check my car this morning. E and the mechanic also talked about some Engineering stuffs which I could not be bothered at all since I was too anxious to wait for the car to start again. Thank God, everything is good now. 

When this happens, everybody knows that I could not handle the panic and I tend to be very reckless quickly. I even asked everyone if they got a pair of jumpers or not (you know the ones they use to transfer the positive and negative charges from one car to another, yeah that one). Like, not everyone here brings a car so they didn't have one. I also almost purchased a pair of them online because I really thought that was the only way. However, I came to my senses and realized that I really should call a mechanic to clear this mess. I even had a small fight with E about this too. See, very miserable. So girls, I know we tend to get out of mind when something like this happens. Everything does not go in your way. It's okay to be like that (because I do it too, often). But you need to calm yourself down first. Otherwise, you can't think straight and do stupid decisions instead. Seek help from a friend/person that you really trust. Well at least, to make a wise decision for you. When it happened to me, luckily, I got some friends with me. Even though we say crappy things most of the time, but they just know when to be serious at times like this. Relax, and remember that every problem must have a solution. After the mechanic finished his job, me and E went to get something to eat for breakfast. At the end of the day, we laughed about it and realized how insane I could be when handling such situations. So girls, be sane okay. 


Phew, college.

Hello there.

So, I've been disappearing for months now. You must expect this coming from me okay. I never had, and never will have free time while I'm still in college. My schedule has been busy for these past few weeks. (more like packed with sleeping and eating, but hey I'm a college student okay. So if you are one, then you should understand). Phew, my writing has been rusty too. I am turning only 20 soon, where did the time go?

Moving on; by busy schedule, I really mean it. My college held so many events. So many. That I needed to join or at least came to support the event that college had organized. Also, one of them was under Accounting Club. Thank God, I was not one of the high committees or something. I am still amazed how they got everything under control. You would say that I am telling you a lie if I say that we never had hard times all the way through. We did. Never got the return call from the schools that we've invited. They didn't reply to our emails. Over budgeted costs. Many students couldn't join the event because they got to head home. You name it, everything just decided to happen at a time. Despite all the challenges, I learned something. I am pretty sure I will never forget these experiences once I have graduated soon. The people, the place. I must admit that my college life is never a college life that everyone ever dreamed to live in. But, as a former daily high school student like me, I am getting a bit of exposure of how the real world looks like. All in all, I am really glad that I met my classmates who have been wonderful company throughout my college life. Each of us is unique (well, still finding what touch of uniqueness do I have). Sometimes, I find my myself smiling just by looking at their characters every day. At least something to be smiled at despite having to do the questions to prepare Statement of Financial Position of a freaking company or do that integration in Maths.

Few weeks from now, I have a big examination coming on. A BIG ONE. That's the final examination before I get to fly off to study abroad, InsyaAllah. It almost comes to an end. I don't know how I should feel about this. But one thing for sure, I want to get it over with quickly. A-Levels is killing everyone. Well at least, me. How did Vivy Yusof manage to take A-Levels while taking SPM examination in the same year? That one successful woman with big company she's currently running and 2 wonderful kids to raise. One thing I see in her, determination. Even though she had achieved so many things, she still wants to achieve more and more. I guess she just can't sit still. I wonder how many hours of sleep does she take?

Wait, did I mention about the big examination I will take weeks from now? Oh damn, I should go now. Should open my books and start studying.. At least for 1 hour long.
