Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Live freely ,

Hey people, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been putting myself in busyness, seriously. Beat a businessman's task. So, I don't start studying yet since my grandma and auntie are here. So, I have to entertain them as good as they deserve. So, a day with my grandma like a day with a lot of candies. Yeah, she's a very sporting person and fun to talk with. Yesterday, even the whole restaurant we went to were staring at us, watched my grandma's doings. Hehe I was blessed ;-) She will stay with us for a week, so that's cool weh. Off with the grandma.

So, still remember about Badai Semalam theater I told you in the previous post. So yeah, it was worth buying the tickets. I was happy to see the actors and actresses there especially, Aaron Aziz *smiling widely*  Hm but, I didn't take any picture with them. Just imagine you have to queue patiently, and they set a time for few minutes to take picture and autographs. So siapa yang terlambat, nasiblah -.- So, I just watched them from far distance. Instead, my mom bought us a book of all the actors and actresses' autographs inside. So, praise to Allah, I got Aaron's, Erra's, Umie's and Fizz's :-) Their acting was really cool and I understood the whole story. Thumbs up to Erma Fatima for writing ze scripts. 



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