Sunday, August 14, 2011

A racing car ,

Hey people, so just now, I watched tv. when I was on my way to change the channel, I checked the 'info' first. then, there was 'Cars' movie on Star Movies channel. so, I opened that channel, then syameer asked me to stay on that channel, so I watched with him and enjoyed the movie. then, the whole family came to us and joined us. suddenly, syameer was really excited about the talking cars in the movie, then my mom was like ishh, cartoon je kot, syameer syameer. suddenly, my dad said ehh, cerita ni. macam best je, F1 ke? and I was like haihh ayah pun join (with shocked face) and my abang was like perhh, kelakar melihat kereta itu bercakap dan bersorak. haha, we had our great time by watching 'Cars' together. hehhh, at the end of the story, everybody was like alaaa dah habis dah? see, satu family demam 'Cars' heee, including me one more !


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